I often talk about setting emotional boundaries in relationships. What about boundaries for yourself? Is your self-talk often negative or do you disparage yourself for your faults? I recommend setting boundaries that stop you from tearing yourself apart and begin the road to self-acceptance. Self-acceptance begins with self-understanding. All humans are imperfect. We are not all good or all bad. We are a smattering of various talents, faults and strengths that make us all unique. I think of the Serenity Prayer as a guide for self-acceptance. It goes something like: “grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”. Wow! If we could all do that. It is difficult to accept that we do not have control over everything. It is a struggle to accept our faults and the faults of our loved ones. But it is possible.

Here are a few tips that will help you begin your journey toward self-acceptance.

Begin your day by listing out what you are grateful for in regards to yourself. Begin with “I am”.

Accept compliments. Catch yourself from making a self-disparaging remark. If someone gives you a compliment, simply say “thank you”.

Treat yourself with compassion. Forgive yourself for mistakes you may have made. Be kind to yourself. Let it go.

Be positive. Focus on what is going right. Choose to have people in your life that bring a positive energy.

Finding self-acceptance can be a long process, but you are worth it!

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