Trauma takes many forms but simply put it is when we experience an event in which we perceive our life to be threatened or we witness such an event. Everyone reacts to trauma differently. In our more recent history, Americans have increasingly been exposed to traumatic events in the form of mass shootings. Here in Las Vegas, we are still healing from the massacre at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in October of 2017. All of us, here in the Las Vegas Valley, have been personally impacted by this horrific tragedy. How do we heal? How do we move forward?

Develop A Routine. Establishing a regular routine reduces stress, improves time management and creates a rhythm to our life. Going to bed and waking up approximately the same time each day is a great beginning to developing a routine.
Get Some Rest. If you are familiar with my blog posts then you know how obsessive I am about the importance of sleep for both our physical and mental health. It is recommended for adults to get 7-9 hours of sleep on a daily basis. Getting enough rest sets the tone for a good day.

Build Your Support Network. Having people that you can trust and rely on is key for a healthy recovery from trauma. When we are young it is easy to meet new friends in school with plenty of free time and daily recess. As we move forward in the life cycle and build our careers, it gets more difficult to meet new people and find time to develop a social support system. Joining a gym, church group, book club, hiking club, etc. are all strategies to meet new people. And you will be getting out of the house and creating an active lifestyle in the same process.

Process Through Your Feelings. Share your feelings with those close to you. If that is not comfortable for you then you can try journaling, drawing or even meditation as a strategy to process through what is on your mind. There are trauma informed mental health clinicians that are educated to help trauma survivors process through their history and learn strategies to reduce any negative trauma related symptoms.

Give Yoga A Try. Learning to slow your breathing helps bring balance and regulation to your nervous system and brings your mind to the present moment. There are trauma informed yoga classes throughout the country that are led by instructors trained in providing a safe environment and encourage accommodations for those who have experienced trauma.

There is no time frame on healing. I discourage you from judging your emotions. Allow yourself to sit with your feelings and process through them. Surround yourself with supportive people and focus on developing a healthy lifestyle that supports your journey toward healing.

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