Often times with age comes wisdom and with that wisdom an increase in confidence. We may begin to care less and less about outside judgement. This is called self acceptance. The process of self-acceptance is a long journey and doesn’t mean that a person thinks that he or she is perfect. It means that a person has come to terms with his or her faults and learned to embrace his or her whole being. It can be difficult not to pick yourself apart, but it is unfair to do so. We are not all good or bad, but a mixture of a variety of strengths, quirks, and faults that make us unique.

Our sense of self is a truth independent of outside judgement. The way that you define yourself is a truth, regardless of another person’s perception of you. This is so freeing. Outside judgment has nothing to do with you. You have the power to define your self. You no longer need to worry about what others think. It is what you think that matters most. If you are able to accept yourself then others will follow.

It is important to treat yourself with compassion and be kind when you make mistakes. Forgive your past errors. Let it all go. You are in charge of defining who you are. As I said before, with age comes wisdom. As you continue through the life cycle, allow yourself to evolve. Forget the mistakes you made yesterday, accept the ones you might make tomorrow and begin to live in a present in which you love all of yourself.

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