3 Habits That Could Be Affecting Your Mental Health

mental health

3 Habits That Could Be Affecting Your Mental Health

Oftentimes, when we think about what could harm our mental health, our minds go to major life events—the loss of a job, the end of a relationship, or the death of a loved one. But small habits that often go unnoticed can also play a major role. Below are three common habits that could be negatively affecting your mental health:1....[ read more ]

How to Track Your Mental Health

If you’re looking to improve your mental health and overall well-being, one of the best things you can do is track how you’re feeling. Not only does this allow you to identify any issues you might be experiencing and set goals for how to resolve them, but it can also help you analyze how you’re progressing toward those goals. Here...[ read more ]

The Impact of Estrangement on Mental Health

Have you limited your communication and interactions with a family member, or stopped them entirely? If so, you’re not alone. According to statistics published by Psychology Today, over 25% of the U.S. population is currently estranged from a family member, and more than 43% have experienced family estrangement at some point during their lives.In many cases, estrangement is necessary, such...[ read more ]

Beginner’s Guide to Focusing on Mental Health

These days, many people focus on their physical health. But few give much attention, if any, to their mental health.What does mental health refer to? Mental health describes a person’s overall psychological health and well-being. It has much to do with the way you feel about yourself, your ability to manage your emotions, how you deal with challenges and the...[ read more ]

How to Tell When You’re Feeling Burned Out

Many people think of burnout as simply being incredibly tired after a long week or month of work or school studies. But burnout is much more than a physical exhaustion; it has in fact been called the “triad of depersonalization, emotional exhaustion, and feelings of detachment.” Here are some additional signs of burnout:PessimismPessimism is a major red flag that someone is...[ read more ]

How to Support Your Mental Health Between Therapy Sessions

Therapy is a wonderful way to explore your inner world, process your feelings, and inspire transformation. But what my clients often tell me is that a day or so after our session, they begin to feel a little lost and anxious again.It’s important to support the progress you’ve made with your therapist in between your sessions. Here is what I...[ read more ]

Signs you Need to Take a Mental Health Day

Do you ever get up in the morning and wonder if it would be okay for you to take a mental health day? If so, you’re definitely not alone. In fact, research from the American Psychological Association shows that today’s workforce is experiencing job burnout at alarming rates.What are Mental Health Days Exactly?The good news is that taking a mental...[ read more ]

Give the Gift of Mental Health: 5 Present Ideas

The holidays are just around the corner, and many of us are struggling to come up with gift ideas our friends and family will love. With so many people dealing with stress and anxiety these days over the recession, layoffs and threat of nuclear war, the best gift you can give this season is the gift of mental health.With this...[ read more ]

Mental Health Effects of Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is not as easy to spot as physical abuse, but oftentimes its effects can be just as traumatic. Emotional abuse can involve a wide range of tactics, including gaslighting, shaming and manipulation. All of these are intended to leave the victim feeling confused, powerless and hopeless.Typically people suffer from long-term or short-term emotional abuse, and depending on the...[ read more ]

How Your Self-Esteem Affects Your Mental Health

Having a low self-esteem is something many people of all ages deal with. While a low self-esteem is not considered a mental health condition itself, the way we think about ourselves directly impacts our mental health and overall well-being.What is Self-Esteem?Self-esteem refers to the way people feel about themselves. Someone with a healthy or high self-esteem thinks positively about themselves...[ read more ]